lunes, 29 de agosto de 2016

Horario a padres de familia

Miércoles de
10:30 a 11:30 hr.
previa cita

Encuadre Académico

Exam                   40%
Oral Exam           20%
Participation         15%
Homeworks         15%
Attitudes              10%
Total                   100%

Class agreement

This is the class agreements that students have to follow in the English class.
  • Avoid interrupting when the teacher is speaking.
  • Have you luchin the assigned areas
  • Ask for permission to go to therestroom or to go out.
  • Distracting objects aren't allowed
  • Avoid saying bad words.
  • Deliver homework on time.
  • Respect each other.
  • Focus only on your task.
  • keep your book neat and clean.
  • Speak English in the class.