Sixth Grade


glue (liquid and cola- loca)
carton (it could be a box of cereal, if it is a little thick- grueso is better)
paper to decorate or stamps if you want -this is opcional 
6 tooth sticks 
4 coins of .50 cents 
a nail file- lima de uñas

Topics for the writing exam:

unit 7
vocabulary of mysteries 
*question tags

unit 8
*sentences from active to passive
*vocabulary of famous monuments

Homework for Friday June 9th, 2017.

from Student's book page 133, ex. 13

Sixth Bimontly English Exam

Writing Exam  will be on Friday June 16th, 2017. 

Oral Exam on Monday 12 and Tuesday 13, 2017.

Homework for Thursday June 8th, 2017.

from Student's book page 133, ex. 12

Homework for Tuesday June 6th, 2017

search information about passive voice, if you don't do the homework, you can be in class.

Homework for Thursday June 1st, 2017.

watch a video in youtube about cause and effect, and then write 7 examples about it in your notebook.

Homework for Tuesday May 30th, 2017

7 sentence with compound nouns, workbook page 102 and 103.

practice so and neither in this link:

practice Question tags in this page.

  1.   She is collecting stickers, _______________?
  2.  We are watching TV now, _______________?
  3. You have cleaned your bike, _______________?
  4.  John and Max don't like maths, _______________?
  5.  Peter plays handball every day, _______________?
  6.  They are going home from school, _______________?
  7.  Mary didn't do her homework last Monday, _______________?
  8.  He could have bought a new car, _______________?
  9.  Kevin is coming tonight, _______________?
  10.  I'm clever, _______________?
  11. His car isn't in the garage, _______________?
  12. You are John, _______________?
  13.  She went to the library yesterday, _______________?
  14.  He didn't recognize me, _______________?
  15.  Cars pollute the environment, _______________?
  16.  Mr. Pritchard has been to Scotland recently, _______________?
  17.  The trip is very expensive, _______________?
  18.  He is telling her the truth, _______________?
  19.  Hugo had a red car, _______________?

Homework for this Thursday May 4th, 2017.
Find three mysteries and write a short and breafly information about it. choose one and paste it in a carton paper. present it in front of the class.

Homework for Tuesday May 2nd, 2017.

Find, cut and paste an image about :
Kriptos, Nazca lines and 2 other unsolved mysteries. Write a short explanation about them.


super powers vocabulary 
Second Conditional, If + (could) infitinive , would + infinitive. / if + past simple, would + infinitive.
write about which super power  you would like to have and why.
The use of more, few and less.
school subjects vocabulary
the Review in the notebook

Extra material 
use less or fewer

1. There are ___________ women in my family than men.
2. The express line is only for shoppers with ten items or  ______________
3. Mandy dumped me, but that doesn't mean I like her any  _____________
4. You should try to use _____________ energy by turning off the light when you leave the room.
5. We have _______________ students this year than last.
6. There seem to be _______________ tourists around this year.
7. Maybe he would worry  ____________if he understood the situation.
8. She has___________  interest in gardening than he does.
9. There are ____________ buses on Sundays.
10. Doctors recommend eating __________ salt.
11. David has ____________ ideas than everyone else.
12. I hope  ___________snow falls this year.

English Exam 

Written exam on April 25
oral exam on April 26

Just the way you are- Bruno Mars.

oh, her eyes, her eyes make the stars look like they're not shining
her hair, her hair falls perfectly without her trying
She's so beautiful and I tell her every day.

Yeah, I know, I know, when I compliment her, she won't believe me 
and it's so, it's so, sad to think that she doesn't see what I see
but every time she asks me do I look okay?
I say.


when I see your face
there's not a thing that I would change
'cause you're amazing
just the way you are.

And when you smile 
the whole world stops and stares for a while
'cause MOM, you're amazing
just the way you are

her face, her face, I could kiss her all day if she let me 
her laugh, her laugh, she is so happy and I think that's amazing
she's so beautiful
and I tell her every day.

Oh, you know, you know, you know I'd never ask you to change
if perfect's what you're searching for, then just stay the same
so don't even bother asking if you look okay
you know I'll say.


the way you are
the way you are
MOM, you're amazing
just the way you are.


Read and study this information

Second Conditinal 

 Subject + would, could, should, might + infinitive / if + subject + verb in past simple.
I would go to the cinema if I went out tonight.


The second conditional is like the first conditional because it can also talks about a future event. However, when we use the second conditional, we think the future event is improbable or the situation may be unreal. In the example above, I would go to the cinema if I went out but I do not think I will go out - perhaps because I am ill or have a lot of work.
For this reason this conditional is used to talk about our dreams, hopes and wishes:
If I won the lottery, I would buy a yacht.
If I could fly, I'd escape from here today.
If you were more intelligent, you would pass your exams.
The past tense in the "if" clause is not really a past as nothing has happened yet; it is a past subjunctive. We do not have a subjunctive form in English so we use the past simple structure.
In the second conditional, it is common to also see the "were" form for first and third person singular although both "was" and "were" are grammatically correct - "was" being more colloquial:
If I were a rich man, I'd build a big house in the country.

Aviso a Papas: los alumnos el día de hoy no entregaron actividades, revisar libro de fun  pagina 57 y 58. solo algunos tienen firma de revisado, estar al pendientes porque no me están entregando actividades a firmar, y no están terminando las actividades

Homework for Tuesday February 13th, 2017

Write a valentine's letter to a friend. DON'T FORGET!

Homework for Tuesday January 31st, 2017.

Make a mind map about the comments on page 68 and 69 from your student's book.
(one mind map for each comment)

On February 10th, 2017 3rd Bimontly English Exam

Topics for the exam:

Study unit 4 from your Student's book, workbook and notebook.
Future progressive
futur progressive with definitely and probably.
vocabulary of unit 4

Extra activites for Wednesday  January 25th, 2017 

Extra Activities at home:

write about What you will  be doing in 20 years from now. (40-60 words / 6 lines of a paragraph)
-you can find examples in your Student's book (page 59, 60,61,) or notebook.

In twenty years from now I will be bringing up a family, and ...

Homework for Monday  January 23rd, 2017

Write the question with will be ing and write a complete answer
1- Daniel / run his own business.
(Yes, definitely)
2. Susan / study for a degree at Canada.
( No, probably)
3. I / travel all over the world.
(Yes, probably)
4. My children / dream about their future.
(Ye, definitely)
5. Your brother / work in the music industry.
(No, definitely)

Homework for Wednesday  December 14th, 2016

In a sheet of paper or a carton paper, divide in four parts and write in each part what will you be doing In 10 years from now, 20 years, 30 years and 50 years.
you can find an example in your student's book page

Aviso para Papás:

El día 15 de diciembre sera nuestro concierto navideño. el vestuario que llevaremos para ese día es:

Niños y niñas: Playera blanca manga larga, pantalon de mezclilla azul marino (que no tenga adornos o este roto) bufanda y gorro del mismo color, (puede ser el color que tengan pero que gorro y bufanda sean iguales) y zapatos negros.


Homework for Friday December 2nd, 2016.

learn the conversation on page 62 with a parter, on Friday you are going to present it.(esta tarea la firme, algunos alumnos no tiene la firma de esta tarea por que no estaban atentos cuando la estaba dictando)


unit 2 and 3 from your Student's book and workbook.
exercises from your notebook unit 2 and 3.
ON WEDNESDAY 23rd, 2016.

 Homework for Tuesday November 15th, 2016.
* Esta tarea es para los que no terminaron en clase la actividad.
1. Students who didn't finish the activity in class have to finish in your house, page Student's book page 50 exercise 37, Write the situacions in the green square as the following example: if you lose your friend's CD, you should buy him another one.
2. *para todos: Homework for all the students: workbook page 37

Homework for Monday November 7th, 2016.
Complete the sentence as in the example, use the sentences to help you.

be upset with you.        get in trouble.
 fell good                     pay a fine.  
be discovered

Example: if you study for your exam,
              you will pass the exam.
1. if you copy in an exam, you ____________________________by your teacher.
2. if your sister doesn't return the books to the library,
she ___________________________________.
3. if you pass your math test,
you ______________________________________________________.
4. if I broke my mother's cellphone,
she _________________________________________________.
5. if your brother cheats on the science test,
he ______________________________________________.

Homework for Thursday November 3rd, 2016.

Print and ANSWSER the exercises:

a) Write the meaning of these words:
1. get into:______________________________________________________________________
2. drop out:_____________________________________________________________________
3. be joking:_____________________________________________________________________
4. be kidding:____________________________________________________________________

b) Use one of those words in the context.
    A: What's your brother doing on his computer? I can see he's really _________________________

    B: He wants to _________________________ of the school and work on his program all day.
    A: You're _________________ aren't you?
    B: Yeah. I'm just ________________________.

c) Unscrable and write the sentences.
1. lived / my brother / has / in  / Miami / 2012 / since
2. the / she / piano / has / for / played / years / two
3.cooked / my / has / mother / all / since / morning / pizza / this
4. that / already / I / have / seen / movie
5. my / her / e-mail/ has / friend / already / check

Homework for Wednesday October 24th, 2016.
Answer page 27 from your workbook.

Homework for Monday  October 24th, 2016.
Make a TIMELINE, and write a text about it. you can find an example on page 32 from your Student's book exercise 27. use past simple tense and present perfect tense as the example in your book.

HOMEWORK; for Tuesday October 18th, 2016.
Print and answer the activity.

                                                  PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS

Make questions with How long…?
1.       Jill is on holiday. How long has she been on holiday?
2.       Mike and Judy are in Brazil. ________________________________________________________
3.       Danna is learning Italian. ___________________________________________________________
4.       I’m a teacher. ____________________________________________________________________
5.       It is raining. ______________________________________________________________________
6.       I know Margaret __________________________________________________________________
7.       My brother lives in Canada. _________________________________________________________
8.       She is studying for her Math exam. ___________________________________________________
9.       Clara is cooking pizza. ______________________________________________________________
10.   My mother is running. ______________________________________________________________
Complete the question. Read the conversation first.
1. A:I work for a company of solicitors in London.
B: How long ______________________________________for them?
 A: Six years.
2. A: I can't send any emails - my computer's broken.
     B: How long___________________________ (be) broken?
     A: About a week. I'm going to take it back to the shop when I get time.
3. A: I've got three dogs, two alsatians and a labrador.
     B: Wow! I love dogs. How long______________________________ (have) them?
     A: The alsatians for three years and the labrador about two.
Structure of present perfect continuous
I / you / we / they
have been working
I / you / we / they
haven’t been working
I / you / we / they
been working?
She / he / it
has been working
She / he / it
Hasn’t been working
She / he / it
Been working?

Print the song and paste in your notebook

Christmas Carol

Joy to the World


Joy to the World , the Lord is come!
Let earth receive her King;
Let every heart prepare Him room,
And Heaven and nature sing,
And Heaven and nature sing,
And Heaven, and Heaven, and nature sing.

Joy to the World, the Savior reigns!
Let men their songs employ;
While fields and floods, rocks, hills and plains
Repeat the sounding joy,
Repeat the sounding joy,
Repeat, repeat, the sounding joy.

No more let sins and sorrows grow,
Nor thorns infest the ground;
He comes to make His blessings flow
Far as the curse is found,
Far as the curse is found,
Far as, far as, the curse is found.

He rules the world with truth and grace,
And makes the nations prove
The glories of His righteousness,
And wonders of His love,
And wonders of His love,
And wonders, wonders, of His love

Oral Eaxam

Tuesday 27 and Wednesday 28 September,2016.

Study: Use present perfect structures to ask questions like Have you done your homework yet? or Have you studied for the test?
Study how to say things that you have done and you haven't done yet. (in the notebook there is an example)

Bimontly Exam

Thrusday September 29, 2016

Topic for the exam
Study the review from your notebook.
Present perfect and simple past
vocabulary unit 1
yet and already with present perfect.

Vocabulary unit 1

do homework
finish a project
hand in an essay
study for a test
be more careful
do it earlier
do it again
pay attention to the time
take it away from
barely have time to
getting boredwith
give out (candy)
under so much stress
what's the matter?
you're crazy

Bimonthly Exam September 29th, 2016


*Present Simple
*Past Simple
*Present perfect with Already and yet
*Should have
*vocabulary unit 1


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